Sanborn Central Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, April 10, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central Conference Room with the following present: Curtis Adams, Clayton Dean, Justin Enfield, Troy Olson and Brenda Schmit. Others present: Superintendent Siemsen, Elementary/Middle School Principal Vermeulen and Business Manager Bechen.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Dean, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by, Adams, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting March 14, 2017, as printed.
Visitors to Board Meeting. Corey Flatten, Shane Gross, and John Harless – SCEA negotiation team.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the Financial Statement and bills. Discussion was held.
General Fund balance, March 1, 2017: $199,961.80. Receipts: taxes $37,425.86, penalties/interest $9.97, interest $4.49, other pupil $66.35, other income $41.31, state fines $2,403.94, state aid $48,551.00, admission $748.81, sale of surplus property – bus $1,500.00. Expenditures: $160,158.05, manual journal entry $5.00. Balance: March 31, 2017 $130,550.48. CorTrust Savings balance, March 1, 2017: $149,884.75. Receipts: interest $55.55. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, March 31, 2017: $149,940.30.
Capital Outlay Fund balance, March 1, 2017: $812,224.74. Receipts: taxes $21,972.48, penalties/interest $5.89, interest $37.26.  Expenditures: $5,129.37. Balance, March 31, 2017: $829,111.00.
Special Education Fund balance, March 1, 2017: $52,935.09. Receipts: taxes $1,130.27, penalties/interest $0.24, interest $1.79. Expenditures: $19,674.86. Balance, March 31, 2017: $34,392.53. CorTrust Savings balance, March 1, 2017: $1,824.79. Receipts: interest $0.56. Balance, March 31, 2017: $1,825.35.
Pension Fund balance, March 1, 2017: $33,329.94. Receipts: taxes $17.36, penalties/interest $0.87, interest $1.35. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, March 31, 2017: $33,349.52.
Food Service Fund balance, March 1, 2017: $(27,133.26). Receipts: student lunches $5,576.15, adult lunches $481.25, ala carte $174.10, lunch certification $138.48, federal reimbursement $4,339.82. Expenditures: $11,440.68. Balance, March 31, 2017: $(27,864.14).
Enterprise Fund balance: March 1, 2017: $2.07. Receipts: $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, March 31, 2017: $2.07.
Scholarship Fund balance, March 1, 2017: $13,679.05. Receipts: interest $0.65. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, March 31, 2017: $13,679.70. Peters Scholarship balance: $13,679.70; Nelson Scholarship balance: $0.00.
Trust and Agency Funds balance, March 1, 2017: $61,754.71. Receipts: $5,686.32. Expenditures: $13,314.37. Balance, March 31, 2017: $54,126.66.
Salaries and benefits for the month of April, 2017 were as follows:
General Fund: $135,381.16;
Special Education: $20,439.42;
Food Service: $8,689.77.
Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $29.19; Baden Sports Inc., second autograph ball $25.00; Brooks Oil, propane $1,256.40; Card Services, middle school dance flowers $7.96; Carquest, bus supply $47.96; Central Electric, March main building $3,012.78, March bus barn $495.20, repair $95.00; Creative Printing, additional plaques and medals for 281 Conference $98.00; Department of Revenue, water testing $15.00; Eternal Security Products, move bus camera $283.74; Marci Farmer, Winterguard gas $107.80; First National Insurance, new bus insurance $202.00; Corey Flatten, powerlifting gas $20.01; Gopher, Fuel Up to Play 60 supply $367.87; Heartland Paper, janitor supply $703.77, copier paper $56.50; Heuer Publishing, high school scripts/royalty fee $290.00;
[IMPREST FUND: Gayle Bechen, girls basketball supply $10.00, girls basketball State B meals $1,982.00; Allison Cimpl, senior project judge $75.00; Chloe Degen, middle school dance dj $15.00; Renee Farmer, middle school dance dj $15.00; Vickie Fox, state powerlifting registration $20.00; O’Gorman High School, powerlifting registration $160.00; Adriana Salas, middle school dance dj $15.00; SC Food Service, judge meals $22.50; Luke Wodahl, senior project judge $75.00];
K&D Busing, half co-curricular busing $920.47; Menards, middle school supply $33.04, high school supply $9.18, elementary supply $34.16, bus barn light bulbs $38.94; Mid-Dakota Technologies, March tech support $125.00; Quill, high school ink cartridges $45.99, high school paper $74.97; Sanborn Weekly Journal, board proceedings $174.62, notice of audit $29.84; Santel Communications, telephone/fax $230.18; SDHSAA, extra girls basketball tournament medals $25.00, co-curricular rule books $36.00; SD Department of Health, nurse services $44.00; Connie Vermeulen, reimburse Fuel Up to Play 60 supply $11.17; VISA, air cards $120.03, volleyball conference gas – Olsen $103.20, volleyball conference room – Olsen $241.50, ag welding pants $214.28; Williams Musical and Office Equipment, reeds $68.57.
CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier lease $836.00; McGraw-Hill, high school science series $5,174.12; Puetz Corporation, gym crows nest material/labor $2,523.38; USI Education & Government Sales, laminator $1,524.00; Wordware, Inc., lunch software support $1,367.00.
SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – NCS Pearson, speech supply $72.00, speech new dial 4 kit $724.50; VISA, SPED conference – Sanderson $100.00, speech conference – McClane $100.00.
FOOD SERVICE Fund – Card Services, food $169.99; County Fair, food $13.72; Darrington Water, ss tank $24.00; Dean Foods, milk $541.17; Earthgrains, bread $109.76; Wanda Effling, reimburse lunch $54.85; Hobart, oven/mixer/slicer service $204.20; Reinhart Foodservice, food $2,875.36, supply $48.58; SNA, state/national dues – Luthi $43.00; Walmart, food $47.37.
Superintendent Siemsen reported on the following:
•    Prom was held on April 1st;
•    All spring activities are underway and have been performing well;
•    CBH Academic Fest on April 5th;
•    Smarter Balanced testing has begun, thanking Mrs. Vermeulen for her efforts coordinating the schedule;
•    Last extra help day is April 28th;
•    The Booster Club met with administration and teacher rep to further discussions regarding the playground;
•    The district was awarded a $2,500 grant from Monsanto which will be used to purchase a saw for the Ag shop;
•    The district was also awarded, as part of a four-school group (Ethan, Woonsocket, Mt. Vernon, Sanborn Central), shared services grant that will provide educational coaching for the next three years;
•    Awards banquet May 8th at 6:00 p.m.; and
•    Graduation is May 13th at 4:00 p.m., with practice taking place the morning of May 12th.
Principal Vermeulen’s report covered:
•    Middle school dance was held March 24th;
•    April calendar is full with activities;
•    Testing is in full swing;
•    Elementary students are using the middle school computer lab for the Smarter Balanced testing while the middle school and high school students are using lap tops;
•    The colony and SCMS students have completed the science testing;
•    Grades K-3 have been participating in a reading intervention pilot, Imaging Learning. This is state funded for the next two years;
•    Preschool screening is scheduled for the morning of April 28th and May 1st. Seventeen students meet the age requirements. Possibility of parents/teacher may request that four-five students repeat preschool, pushing attendance to 21-22 students potentially.
Other Discussion: Discussion was held regarding potential options to address the preschool enrollment and the expressed concerns by Mrs. Sevareid and Mrs. Schmit. They provided some thoughts regarding options to help address both struggling and high performing students to help benefit both pre-kindergarten and kindergarten. The board also discussed the potential need for implementing a charge for preschool. Other discussion item was the information provided to the district regarding the potential cost to add air conditioning in the gym. The cost to the district would be $85,000-$95,000.
Old Business:
Motion by Enfield, seconded by Dean, all aye, to table the motion to renew expiring opt out for the amount of $250,000 for a ten year period. Due to publication requirement, the March 13, 2017, motion to opt out of $250,000 is void. Discussion was held.
New Business:
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Dean, all aye, to approve the resolution to join the South Dakota High School Activities Association.
Motion by Enfield, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve entering into an exclusive contractual agreement with Coca-Cola of South Dakota, for a period of ten (10) years with a monetary commitment of $15,000 to Sanborn Central.
Motion by Dean, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve executive sessions SDCL 1-25-2(4) for negotiations at 6:23 p.m. Regular session resumed at 9:06 p.m.
Regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, May 8, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central School Conference Room. Awards Banquet begins at 6:00 p.m.
Motion by Dean, seconded by Schmit, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 p.m.
Gayle Bechen
Business Manager
Troy Olson
Board Chairman

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