Letcher Town Board proceedings

June 5th, 2018

Mayor Chada called the meeting to order with Hoffman, Larson, and Meier in attendance. 

Guests: D. Northrup, D. VanOverschelde, T. Hoffman, A. Fridley, and J. Fridley.

A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve May 21st, 2018, minutes as read.

A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to approve the financials as presented.

Old Business: 

The board is still waiting on estimates to chip seal the east end of Main Street.  

Discussion was held on the water sample report. 

The fire hydrant has been installed. An extension piece had to be ordered and will be placed once it has arrived.  

Floors at the Community Center have been waxed and are complete.

Supplies have been ordered for the equipment that was vandalized at Rossy Park. Once they have arrived, they will be installed and fixed.

New Business: 

Discussion was held on the meeting that was held with the Townships and Town Board Members.  

A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to approve to hire Dawson Construction for Blading the Town of Letcher.  

Discussion was held on applications placed for custodian at the community center.  

Discussion was held on nuisance problems with lawns not being mowed. The finanace offircer will be sending out letters. 

A dock has been installed and Rossy Park equipment and supplies have come in and have been installed and fixed.  

Discussion was held on the first reading of the new ordinances for the Town Of Letcher.

A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the first reading of ordinances.

Discussion was held on the appointment coming up with Safety Benefits with our workman’s comp insurance. Meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 8th.  

LCDF discussed with the board that they received a grant from Central Electric for $2300.00 and a grant from Santel Communications for $500.00.  They talked to the board about using the grant and purchasing a refrigerator for the community center and purchasing new counter tops for the south side of the kitchen.  

A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to approve that LCDF can purchase a refrigerator and do new counter tops for the community center.

D. Northrup with the Legion discussed with the board that the legion is able to pay $200.00 a month rent for the community center.

A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve to change the legion rent to $200.00 a month.

Discussion was held on 2019 dues for the Planning and Development District III.

A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to approve to pay the 2019 dues for Planning and Development District III.

Discussion was held on Vantage Point information that was sent in the mail.  

Discussion was held on security cameras. Mark had quotes from Santel, Morris Electric, and 24/7 Surveillance. The board went over information that was provided.

A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to approve to sign a one-year lease with 24/7 Surveillance out of Mitchell, S.D.  

Mark will call them and set up a time for them to come and install the camera.  

Discussion was held on the dumpsters being used by other people and if there is an option to lock them. Miedema Sanitation will be called, and if they have an option, the board will go with that. Discussion was also held on pouring a concrete slab by the community center for the dumpsters.

A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve to lock dumpsters and pour a concrete slab on the back side of the community center for the dumpsters.  

A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the following claims for payment:

General AND WATER/SEWER:  Quill – $709.41 Community Center Supplies, Mark Chada – $1,082.29 Lost Time & Reimbursement for purchasing Magnetic Locator, Angela Larson – $259.27 Cleaning Community Center, Jesse Dominguez – $494.25 Meter Reading/Summer Help, NorthWestern Energy – $1,212.76 Community Center – $207.79, Lagoon – $94.81, Street Lights – $479.95, Lift station – $253.78, Ball Park Lights – $40.13, Rossy Park – $20.61, Water Plant – $104.59, Water Valve – $11.10, Jim Fridley – $184.00 – Water Sample, Angie Meier – $1504.26 – Finance Officer Wages, Menards – $946.31 – Rossy Park Vandalized Supplies, Santel Communications – $339.44 Water and Sewer – $76.90, Lift Station – $44.35, Office Phone – $46.32, Office Internet – $66.57, Community Center Phone – $45.39, Community Center Internet – $59.91, Chada Construction – $4,918.37 – Rossy Park Vandalized Repairs/Dock, Fire Hydrant Repairs, Miedema Sanitation – $1,202.60 – Garbage Removal/Dumpster Days. 

The next board meeting will be held on June 19th, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.

Angie Meier

Finance Officer


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