Artesian Town Board proceedings

November 10, 2020

The City of Artesian Council met on November 10, 2020, in regular session at the Artesian Community Center. Council Member Kurt Effling called the meeting to order with Council Member Travis King and Finance Officer Molly Ebersdorfer present. Also present was Tom Fridley.

Motion by King, second by Effling, to approve the agenda. Motion carried. The minutes of the October 13th, 2020, meeting were read, financial reports were read and vouchers were presented; motion to approve by King, seconded by Effling; motion carried:

USDA, Loan $1,116.00

Xcel Energy, Utilities $1,049.12

Ebersdorfer, Molly, Wages $646.45

Fridley, Tom, Wages $728.04

Artesian Fire Department, Rent $125.00

C&B Operations LLC, Streets $74.59

CNA Surety, Bond $556.50

Dawson Construction Inc., Utilities $1,159.16

Farmers Elevator Forestburg, Streets $11.87

Larson & Nipe, Fees $100.00

Menards, Streets $51.81

Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publishing $167.04

South Dakota Municipal League, Insurance $822.00

South Dakota Municipal League, Fees $173.58

TSC, Streets $44.45

Old Business:

Fridley gave report on the streets and lagoons.

Sewer/Garbage – The Board reviewed billings. 

Discussion was held on nuisance properties.

Park – discussion was held on winterizing. 

New Business: 

Motion by King, seconded by Effling, to declare City property – Lot 5 Blk 5 Thaxters 1st Addn Artesian as surplus property with value less than $500 and to sell it to Ty Mcclanahan at the cost of all the fees; motion carried. 

Motion by King, seconded by Effling, to join the South Dakota Municipal League; motion carried. 

Motion by King, seconded by Effling, for the following Amended Budget Resolution: 

Whereas, the City Council has determined that the 2020 budget requires adjustment.   NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Artesian hereby authorizes the following additional income and expense that is tied to: General Checking Cash on Hand $15,000 to General Fund: Board Services and Fees $6,500; Finance Officer $500; Sanitation Services and Fees $3,500 and Sewer Fund Repairs and Maintenance $4,500. 

Motion carried.

Discussion was held on tractor rental.

There being no further business brought before the council, motion by King, seconded by Effling, to adjourn; motion carried.

Molly Ebersdorfer

Finance Officer

Town of Artesian, Kurt Effling

Council Member

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