Letcher Town Board proceedings

May 18th, 2022

Mayor Mark Chada called the meeting to order with Angie Larson, Sean Gromer, and Angie Meier in attendance. 

T. Hoffman and E. Hoffman also attended the meeting.  

A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve May 2nd, 2022, minutes as read.

A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Gromer, carried, to approve the financials as presented.

Old Business:

Discussion was held on the blading of the streets and gravel on the streets. When the blading has been done, it has been removing a lot of gravel. The Board wants to look at bringing some gravel in on the streets.  

Discussion was held on wanting to have the pathway around the lake groomed. Gromer will work on smoothing it out.

The Board will post the meeting dates for the meeting at the bank and will hang them up at the door at the office. 

Discussion was also held on cleaning up and mowing the ditch from the east corner of main street and 404th going north out to the dump grounds/lagoon.  

Discussion was also held on the fence between the dump grounds and the lift station area that is down and needing to be fixed. Gromer will go look at the fence and see what needs to be done to get it fixed.  

The water sample report was gone over. 

Discussion was held on the Letcher Summer Youth program.  The Board is still waiting on more information for improvements.  Meier will be meeting with Hohbach Electric to get a quote from them for lights. They also have a bucket truck to accommodate to be able to fix the lights.  

A quote was received from TK Electric and from Hohbach Electric. The Board went over the quotes. A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Gromer, to hire Hohbach Electric to replace the light bulbs at the ball park that are not working. Hohbach Electric will get them ordered and placed as soon as they are received. Update: Hohbach Electric is planning to install the light bulbs the end of the week of May 28th, 2022.

Clean up day with the 4-H group is planned for May 7th at 5:00 p.m. The kids are planning to clean up trash in the town.  

Discussion was held on the area north of the bathroom/shed by the lake. That area is where the old legion hall rubble was taken when the building was taken down. Gromer will look to see what the town can do to clean that area up. Possibly, once the burn ban is done, that area can be burned to help with the weeds.  

The Town of Letcher is having an Internal Control Review. Meier met with R. Schnabel with Legislative Audit on May 2nd. R. Schnabel has returned all the paperwork and has finished the Internal Control Review.  

Discussion was held regarding the Disaster Mitigation Plan. The Board went over PDM plan projects: 

1. Tornado Shelter;

2. Generator hook up for the big generator at the community center;

3. Access to emergency personnel because of the poor cell service in the Letcher area;

4. Placing culvert by the lake to help with drainage.

 Some of the projects have been completed:

1.   Go to the church basement in need of a shelter for a tornado. 

2. The generator hook up for the big generator is at the community center.  

#3 and #4 are being worked on.  

Discussion was held on applications received for summer help.  Three applications were received. 

A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Chada, carried, to approve to hire Michael Hoffman to do the mowing and weed eating, push mowing, clean up branches and help pick up trash for the Town of Letcher. His pay rate will be $11.50 an hour. The Board also approved to hire Victoria Hoffman to do the grounds keeper maintenance which includes picking up branches, trash, staining, painting, cleaning restrooms, pulling weeds and helping keep the Town of Letcher cleaned up. Her pay rate will be $10.00 an hour.  

The Board went over the annual report. A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the Annual Report.

New Business: 

T. Hoffman attended the meeting and talked to the board about a conference they attended for LCDF. She went over different ideas and different grants out there to help clean up the town. Her first projects she is looking at include trying to apply for grants and going to see what it would cost to work on cleaning up the lake and the ballpark. 

The water sample report was gone over. 

Letcher Summer Youth (LSY) is waiting for their grant money, and the pitching mound is ready to be delivered.  The Town of Letcher will pay for the pitching mound, and the LSY will reimburse the town once the grant money is received.  

Discussion was held on properties not being mowed in the town.  The board requested Meier to send letters out with the water bills to let them know what the charge would be if the Town would have to come in and mow the lawn.  

Gromer returned the John Deere tractor back to C&B Operations.  Gromer talked to the board about whether they would like to have C&B reserve a tractor for the Town of Letcher for the 2022-2023 winter at the amount of $2,500.00. A motion was made by Chada, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve to have C&B reserve a tractor for the town. Gromer will call C&B and have this done.   

A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Gromer, carried, to approve the following claims for payment: 

General  AND WATER/SEWER: Public Health Lab – $30.00 – Water Sample, Sanborn Weekly Journal – $306.29 – Advertising Minutes, Plaza Cleaners – $39.41 – Cleaning Rugs, Dawson Construction – $624.49 – Blading Streets, Davison Rural Water – $2,356.80 – Water Used, NorthWestern Energy – $59.89 – Electricity – Ball park, Portolite Pitching Mounds – $3,449.00 – Pitching Mound at Ballpark.

The next board meeting will be held on June 6th, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Office. 

Angie Meier

Finance Officer 

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