Letcher Town Board proceedings

June 5th, 2023

Mayor Mark Chada called the meeting to order with Angie Larson, Sean Gromer, and Angie Meier in attendance. 

Visitor was D. VanOverschelde with Letcher Community Development Foundation.

A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Gromer, carried, to approve the May 15th, 2023, minutes as read.

A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the financials as presented.

Old Business:

Discussion was held on new water meters being installed. Chada is waiting for a call back from the plumber as to when they are planning to start. Update: The Board is still waiting on a start date. Update: Chada is calling again to try to get a start date.   

The water tower has been cleaned by Maguire Iron. A plug has been temporarily fixed, and once the parts come it will be installed.  

New Business:

D. VanOverschelde talked with the board about new Rossy Park signs, moving the flag pole, a bike rack, and some outlets at the community center. 

1. The Rossy Park signs were very faded and have been taken down. The Letcher Community Development Foundation is going to put in for a grant to purchase four more signs, and then they will have Gromer install them once they have them. 

2. The flag pole by the community center will be taken down and moved to the ballpark. 

3. D. VanOverschelde had a bike rack given to her. She is going to clean the bike rack up and donate it to be placed at Rossy Park for the kids to use for their bikes. 

4. D. VanOverschelde also talked to the board about some outlets being loose at the community center.  Chada is going to look into them and see what needs to be done to be fixed.  

Discussion was held on an ordinance that Sanborn County is putting in to place regarding Burn Bans. A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Gromer, to approve that the Town of Letcher will be covered under the ordinance that is being put into place by Sanborn County.  

Discussion was held on the discussion with Dawson Construction on the streets in town. Dawson is going to put the town on their schedule to do some street maintenance in the town. The Board is planning to start with 3rd Street at this time and then plan to finish ball park road.  

Letcher Summer Youth had asked about putting signs up in town so out of town people coming to the games have signage to where the ballpark is located. They are going to get prices on the signage.  

Discussion was held on the Letcher Summer Youth Baseball/Softball teams. They would like to have fireworks one night the last week of June as they have two home games that week. A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Gromer, to approve to donate $750.00 towards the purchase of fireworks for after one of the ball games that week.  

Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources has scheduled a water inspection that will be done on June 14th.  

Discussion was held on some trees that are needing to be removed next to the water tower. A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, approved, to hire the trees that need someone to remove it on the west side of the water tower.  

A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Gromer, carried, to approve the following claims for payment:

GENERAL AND WATER/SEWER:  Postmaster – $315.00 – Postage, Runnings – $104.92 – Grounds – Supplies, Public Health Lab – $15.00 – Water Sample, Quill – $292.59 – Supplies – Baseball Park, Sanborn Weekly Journal – $44.20 – Advertising Minutes, Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield – $2,686.43 – Health Insurance, Angela Meier – $674.75 – Wages – Finance Officer and Reimbursement for Postage, Ed Hoffman – $538.10 – Wages – Water Sample, Mark Chada – $419.93 – Wages – Lost time and reimbursement for flowers sent from Town for a funeral, Michael Hoffman – $83.12 – Wages – Meter Reader, Sean Gromer – $554.10 – Wages – Maintenance Worker, Brooks Oil – $111.97 – Grounds – Fuel Truck, C&B Equipment – $124.95 – Grounds – Parts, Davison Rural Water – $2,670.30 – Water Used, Doug’s Custom Paint & Body – $78.38 – Supplies – Mower, John Deere Financial – $4,084.69 – Equipment Payment – Tractor, Menards – $238.58 – Grounds – Supplies, Miedema Sanitation – $1,814.60 – Garbage Removal, NorthWestern Energy – $986.55 – Electric – Lagoon – $15.00, Street Lights – $494.40, Water Valve – $13.74, Water Plant – $111.88, Ballpark – $49.84, Rossy Park – $23.01, Community Center – $191.96, Lift Station – $86.72, Morris Electric – $1,553.88 – Ballpark Lights.

Angie Meier

Finance Officer

Published once on June 15, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $49.25 and may be viewed free of charge at www.sdpublicnotices.com.

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